This recent study conducted by, the UK’s largest online adult shop, has revealed some surprising insights to our bedroom habits and desires, our views on adult toys, and what women really want on the most romantic day of the year.
Demonstrated on the below infographic the results reveal insightful facts including which couples have the most sex on Valentine’s Day, how many of us make adult toys part of our sexual norm with our other half, how we would like to spend the night in with our partner and what women would really like to be receive from their other halves.
At XC we think this is a really good portrayal of what women (and men) are now open to and we think Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to do something about it.
The first time myself and Mr A slept together was Valentine’s Day 2010. We didn’t actually use toys together until at least 6 months after and even then it was just the once or twice. We really started to become interested when we started this blog. Now we’ve opened up a whole new realm of exciting sex! So how do these statistics look to us?
Everyday!? How do these people get time??? To us, it’s quite acceptable now after 4 years to have sex 2-4 times a week. At the beginning it was probably everyday when we couldn’t keep our hands off each other! We still can’t but sometimes important things, like eating too much or Mr. A freelancing to help fund our wedding just gets in the way!
Believe it or not, we actually don’t use toys every time!! We like to keep it fresh by using new toys together, or using our favorites as a treat or foreplay. For me, it helps me to focus and really get into the mood. But sometimes we just want a good, old-fashioned spontaneous quickie!
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We still have plenty to explore together and toys have definitely helped us to open up about what we like and what we don’t. Toys have definitely helped us to communicate.
DEFINITELY sex toys now for Valentine’s Day please! For a lot of couples experimenting is on the cards and what a great opportunity! For us, it’s more of an opportunity to be romantic! Also, regular use of toys for self-pleasure when your other-half is away, helps to keep your libido high, keeps you confident and in touch with your body, is a great stress-reliever and is actually healthy for you too!
Head Buyer at says:
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to set aside some uninterrupted time for intimacy with your other half.
Our poll reveals that UK couples are more adventurous than we first thought with up to 84% incorporating sex toys into their bedroom routine and 45% wanting to try something new and kinky with their other half on Valentine’s Day.
Men may also want to take note as our poll reveals that traditional gifts such as a romantic dinner and flowers might not cut it anymore with 55% women polled confirming they would love to receive a new sex toy to try together for Valentine’s Day.
For Valentine’s inspiration, see our Guest Post where Claire Bowden lists her Top Ten for Valentine’s Day 2014.
What do you think about the results of the SexShop365 Valentines poll? Let us know by leaving a comment below!