There seems to be a lot of cool new interesting sex toys being launched at the moment, the GӒSM by LELO of Sweden being one of them.

The GӒSM is the perfect toy for those who feel very strongly about the environment and helping to make a difference. Made fully out of 100% recycled materials (wood pulp and re-purposed tires) LELO really have created something brilliant!

Wood pulp base and recycled tire shaft that is body safe.

Wood pulp base and recycled tire shaft that is body safe.


Not only is this vibrator 100% recycled, it also doesn’t take batteries. It’s internal long lasting battery is charged using a new revolutionary rotation unit (a bit like the clockwork radio).

To decrease the price of the GӒSM, LELO have done something clever. Following from the furniture giant IKEA, the GӒSM is self assembly. We love this idea! Not only is it different, it also gives you a bit more of a personal connection with the toy as you’ve had to put it together.

LELO have embraced the IKEA self assembly idea in the design of their packaging and the above video. This adds a bit of cheeky fun to the product, especially with the packaging which could be on the shelves of IKEA and no one would bat and eyelid. Not to mention the instructions which are very witty and echo those of IKEA.

Brilliant IKEA like instructions for assembly

Brilliant IKEA like instructions for assembly

The GӒSM packaging looks like something you'd find on the shelves at IKEA

The GӒSM packaging looks like something you’d find on the shelves at IKEA


Simple and well designed we really do like the overall idea of this product, and can’t wait to see how powerful the motor is.

We hope that LELO have inspired other toy companies to consider the environment with future toys that are created.

Priced at £120 we’re interested to see how popular this toy becomes once released in the next few weeks.

Hats off to LELO for taking a risk and doing something that’s friendly to mother nature 🙂


What do you think? Would you buy one?


Original story here


UPDATE! This was in fact an early April Fools day joke by the naughty buggers at LELO! Well done you fooled a lot of people 😛